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  Clear the current line from the cursor to the end of the line using the
  current color.

  CLREOL   No arguments are required

  This statement will work one of two ways depending on the mode the
  caller is in.  If the caller is in graphics mode (or non-graphics ANSI-
  positioning) then PCBoard will issue the ANSI sequence to clear to the
  end of the line using the current color.  ANSI emulators, when written
  properly, will echo the color all the way to column 80 of the current
  line when they receive this ANSI sequence.  If the user is in non-
  graphics non-ANSI mode, PCBoard will write sufficient spaces to the
  display to move to column 80 and then backspace to the original
  position.  Note that this will not clear the 80th column; the reason for
  this is to always keep the cursor on the current line.  If the cursor
  wrote a space to column 80 and moved to the beginning of the next line
  it wouldn't be able to move back up to the previous line without ANSI
  (which we already know we don't have).  This should be adequate for most

  COLOR @X47
  PRINT "This is some sample text.  (This will disappear.)"
  WHILE (INKEY() = "") DELAY 1
  PRINT "This goes to the end of the line."

See Also: CLS
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson